Three reasons why kindness matters
Alice Jones, our Kindness Ambassador and blogger explains why kindness matters and gives three very good reasons why we should all invest in kindness.
Alice Jones, our Kindness Ambassador and blogger explains why kindness matters and gives three very good reasons why we should all invest in kindness.
In brief. Yes. Experts have been studying the science of kindness for decades and much has been written about the benefits of being kind. Kindness makes us feel good, mentally and physically. Read on...
We've all had those long tiring days where once you're home, you just want to relax. However, with this little list, you can still be kind without even moving off the sofa!
We highlight three bits of technology that can help you be kind every single day of the year. Some of which only take a few minutes to complete! Take a look!
We share five acts of kindness that can be done in one hour or less! In fact, you could probably do all five in less than an hour. Check them out!
What are the top habits of kind people? Alice gives us four top habits you can expect from a kind person.
Alice shares examples of how people coming together can create communities with power and influence including the impact of the missing person's choir, the creation of a green growing village and the revival of the high street.
Research in psychology from the University of Sussex shows a link between kindness and well-being throughout life, starting at a very young age.
Just two minutes a day for 21 days can retrain your brain to be creative, intelligent and productive. Read on...
The problem for many of us is that sometimes we can choose to forgive another, but still in our heart of hearts, anger or resentment lingers. We explore the art of forgiveness and what you can do to break the resentment cycle. Read on...
Don't they need it the most? We might avoid negative and unkind people but if we reach out to the unkind, can they become kinder people? Read on...
Smiling is as stimulating at recieving up to £16,000 in cash and can provide the same level of brain stimulation as up to 2,000 chocolate bars. But the average adult only smiles 20 times a day. Time to wear a smile? Read on...
In a culture that places so much meaning and value on physical appearance and wealth, it’s easy to mistake self-love for narcissism. In this blog we bust the myth and tell you why there is a big difference between the two. Read on...