When you buy milk from your local dairy, you’re buying milk directly from farmers at their prices, rather than at supermarkets or other retailers’ set prices. This means that prices are more likely to fairly cover the cost of production and profit margins for farmers, rather than supermarket prices that may be lower but can lead to losses for farmers.


On average, we found that the price difference between the production cost for a litre of milk and supermarket prices for a litre of milk is 3 pence. This cost-benefit is based on the switch to buying 2 litres a week of milk from your local dairy, meaning each time you are contributing at least an additional 3 pence to support local dairy farmers. 

Thumbnail for Buy your milk from a local dairy

Buy your milk from a local dairy

  • Happiness rating:
  • Cost benefit to society: £3.12
  • Time to complete: 20 mins
  • 30 people added this
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